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Spotlight on Amy Ruttan and Giveaways!

 This week's Spotlight on Author is on Amy Ruttan and she has Giveaways!

 Born and raised in Toronto, Ontario, Amy fled the big city to settle down with the country boy of her dreams. When she's not furiously typing away at her computer, she's a mom to three children.

Life got in the way, and after the birth of her second child, she decided to pursue her dream of becoming a romance author.

Find her here:

Over to Amy now...

1.  How do you keep coming up with fresh characters and stories? I get ideas from almost anywhere. Songs, pictures, scenery. I’ll never know what sparks the muse next.

2.  What do you like to read? I like to read a variety of things. I’m a very eclectic reader when I have a moment to read.
3.  What's your favorite place to read? In bed. I like to read before I fall asleep, it helps clear my mind.

4.  What are some of your reading pet peeves? Too stupid to live heroines or heroes, because heroes make the same dumb decisions too.

5.   Do your characters stick with you after you've finished a book and if so, how do you handle it? A lot of my characters do. I usually watch television, play games and take a break from the computer to clear my head.

6.   How do you handle writer's block? I go for a long walk or a drive. That usually clears my head.

7.   What motivates you to write your books? I love what I do. I love writing and also being able to stay at home, doing what I love so I can be with my kids motivates me. Very blessed to show my kids that you can make your dreams possible, you can do what you love.

8.  Tell us a little about your book...

My book is Building Bridges. Here’s a little bit of information about it:

 A vet tech and a lone wolf rancher ride out a sudden storm, but can they weather the emotions they stir up in each other...

Vet tech Molly has the hots for new rancher William, even though he’s ornery and a bit of a lone wolf. She’s willing to take a chance and enjoy a stolen moment of passion in his arms, but she’s having doubts about leaving everything she knows behind to follow her dream.

William has saved up for years to finally get his grandfather’s ranch up and running again. Escaping into the foothills of Alberta is a good place to hide from the ghosts of his past. All he wants is to be left alone, but that’s kind of hard when a sexy vet tech seems to be always around.

After a sudden storm during an Indian summer forces them indoors, the temperature inside the cabin begins to rise. William helps Molly see that her dream is worth pursuing while she shows him maybe he doesn’t have to be alone after all. As the temperature plummets William gives Molly one ride she’ll never forget.

Building Bridges is part of this multi-book boxed set,

Brought To His Knees
The Alpha male. Strong. In control. Letting no one and nothing rule him…until he meets the one, and all bets are off. The world tilts, the bed rocks, and suddenly that tough guy finds himself Brought to His Knees—in more ways than one.

This collection of ten hot to erotic novellas and one short erotic novel will take you on journeys of lust, love, and adventure, leave you breathless and quite possibly in need of a cold shower.

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  1. Sounds like a great read. Nice to meet you, Amy.

    Waving to Nas :)

    1. Thank you, Carol. There's a lot of great stories in this boxed set. It was awesome working with these talented authors.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, Sandra! I love coming to visit Nas. She's fantastic. :)

  3. Nice interview, ladies. Sounds like a nice (and a little bit naughty) boxed set. The cover picture is, uh, how shall I put this...(ahem) rather pleasing to the eyes. Almost enough to bring the hot flashes back. HA! Good luck, Amy. Here's to much success for you.

    1. LOL on the hot flashes, Susan! Thank you so much. :)

  4. Your book sounds like an iteresting read. Hope I get a chance to read it.

    Thanks Nas for gettkng Amy here on your blog.r

  5. I love reading before bed too. It's such a great way to wind down from the day.

    1. It is, Kelly. Though my husband doesn't get how I can. Reading keeps him up at night.

  6. Good point about the too-stupid-to-live heroes. Everyone always mentions the heroines, but I've run across plenty of heroes in that boat too! :)

  7. Yes for sure! I've read a few and I was like really dude?? And thinking if I was the heroine I'd be clocking this guy. LOL

  8. I like the blurb - "one more ride she'll never forget." I can just imagine what kind of ride that might be!

    1. LOL Thanks, Sherry! I hate blurb writing, the editor for our set helped me. I'm glad she's my critique partner too!

  9. I also like to read in bed. Great interview Nas and Amy! This boxed set looks like a great escape package!


  10. Bedtime is definitely the best time to read. It gets you all drowsy and helps take your mind off of the worries of the day.

  11. Yes for bed readers--and eclectic ones too. I think the best authors are the ones who read far and wide.

    1. Yes! You can learn so much more reading all over different genres and that's an important part to writing. Always learning.

  12. I'm pleased to meet Amy and learn about her books. I love long walks and drives.


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