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Let's Meet Louisa George- with a giveaway of ONE MONTH TO BECOME A MUM!

Today we welcome debut author, Louisa GeorgeAnd she says, ..."I'm happy to give one copy of my debut release, ONE MONTH TO BECOME A MUM which is in a 2 in 1 book with Margaret McDonagh on each blog stop plus a $50 US amazon voucher to whoever visits me the most on the tour!"

So check her full itinerary here and follow her around!

A lifelong reader of most genres, Louisa discovered romance novels later than most, but immediately fell in love with the intensity of emotion, the high drama and the family focus of Medical Romance.
With a Bachelors Degree in Communication and a nursing qualification under her belt, writing Medical Romance seemed a natural progression, and the perfect combination of her two interests. And making things up is a great way to spend the day!
An English ex-pat, Louisa now lives north of Auckland, New Zealand, with her husband, two teenage sons and two male cats. Writing romance is her opportunity to covertly inject a hefty dose of pink into her heavily testosterone-dominated household. When she’s not writing or researching Louisa loves to spend time with her family and friends, enjoys traveling, and adores great food. She’s also hopelessly addicted to zumba.

Louisa around the web:

Website        Blog         Facebook      Twitter      Author Page

So I asked Louisa some questions.... 

* Are you a chick flicks or a Romance movie girl?
I like a chick flick - lots of fun sassy women having a good time...but I really do love a good romantic movie -The Notebook, Love Actually, Titanic, Pretty Woman -stories of overcoming obstacles and enduring love. *sigh* (The Vow is on my must-see wish list)

* Coffee or Tea? Wine or Champagne?
Definitely coffee- I like it hot and strong and dark -like my men! Wine or champagne? Hmm- depends on the occasion! Both?

* Sweet or savoury? Cake or ????
Definitely savory. I can walk by a cake shop window and not even blink - but cheese is my downfall....hmmmm, any time of day. Where I come from (Yorkshire, England) we eat cheese with fruit cake - best of both worlds??

* Action hero or romantic?
Can he look like an action hero but act like a romantic? (All my dreams come true! LOL!) I know it's a real cliche but Colin Firth playing Mr Darcy - all stuffy and brooding and then...transforming into a man who was not going to let anyone or anything get between him and his woman! Colin Firth in Bridget Jones...Colin Firth in Love Actually get the picture.
* What to look for in a hero?
Integrity, loyalty, honesty and a great sense of humor. Luke, the hero in One Month to Become a Mum, had been so consumed with bringing up his little girl on his own that he'd lost his sense of fun. But heroine Jessie teaches him to loosen up, to enjoy life instead of hiding from it, that parenting can be a joy. In return he teaches Jessie that a true life partner can see past scars and damaged hearts and find beauty in the soul, not the body.
One Month To Become A Mum
Some things in life are worth waiting for…

Jessie Price has lost her only chance at motherhood – it’s a constant hurt, until she meets sinfully sexy single dad Dr Luke McKenzie and his gorgeous little girl. Luke’s intoxicating kisses and his daughter’s adoring hugs have Jessie longing for the impossible. But she's a temporary locum, the clock’s ticking – and there’s only a month to make all her wishes come true…

Buy Links:

Mills & Boon          Mills & Boon eBook

Amazon UK             Amazon

The Book Depository


  1. What a lovely interview! The real romantic feel of this book is drawing me, thank you.
    (runs off to place order....)

  2. Hi Margo, thanks for coming by and finding out more about me! LOL! Hope you enjoy the story!

  3. Hi Louisa,

    Loved reading your answers to mum's questions! I know she can be very inquisitive! LOL! Who knows this better than me?

    Congrats on the release of One Month To Become A Mum!

  4. Hi Louisa!
    So happy for you getting your "pink" time writing romance while living in a heavily male populated household. :)

    Enjoyed the blog and interview. Wishing you much success with Medical Romance

  5. Hi Romance Reader! LUcky you for having such a fantastic mum! Her questions were great - I always think it's nice to get to know what makes a writer tick!

  6. Hi Lynne! I love my gorgeous boys to bits, but there is an awful lot of sport played and watched in my house and they all seem to expect me to like it! I'm hoping that I can grow two lovely heroes in my sons-I'm working on it- so far so good!

  7. Hi Louisa!

    Welcome to Romance Book Paradise!

    Thanks for coming along Margo and Lol at Riya's comment above!

    Hello Lynne! Thank you for gracing my blog!

  8. Nice to meet you, Louisa. Did you say Colin Firth :) mmmmmm

    Waves to Nas!

  9. Hi Nas! Thanks for having me here! Great questions!

  10. Hi Carol, nice to meet you, too! You know, I didn't realize I had a 'thing' for Colin Firth until Nas asked me those questions! Amazing what you learn about yourself! LOL!

  11. Great questions! Some of them made me pause and think what my answer would be. I still can't decide if I want an action hero or a romantic. : )

    Nice to meet you, Lousia!

  12. Hi Louisa - congratulations on the release of your debut book. Looking forward to reading it.

  13. Hi Emily, nice to 'meet' you too! The questions are good aren't they? Some were quite easy at first-yes to coffee, yes to savory....but then I got to thinking...depends on the situation. Sometimes only cake will do! LOL! Still hoping I can have action hero AND romantic! *sigh*

  14. Hi Helen -same to you!! LOL! I LOVE Special Edition (I got a rejection from them once! but still LOVE them)...looking forward to reading yours x

  15. Congrats on your new release. Fun interview. We have lots in common: coffee, cheese, romantic movies and New Zealand :)

  16. Hi Shelley! Thanks for the congrats! Twins?? LOL!

  17. This was a delightfull interview thanks Nas and thanks Louisa your books sounds incredible a huge contrats and I wish you many more sales !

    Thanks for the chance to win

  18. Fantastic interview, ladies. I always love learning more about authors - and I adore Love, Actually.

  19. Hi Desere, Thanks for stopping by! Nice to 'meet' you!

  20. Hi Talli! It's interesting to get the background info on authors isn't it? Love Actually -think it's probably my most favorite film...Colin Firth, Liam Neeson, Hugh Grant, Alan Rickman and the hilarious Bill Nighy all in one film! Need I say more?

  21. LP, this young'un is too choosy and picky!

  22. Hi LP! Mama Mia - of course, I forgot Colin was in that! LOL!!! Dodgy dance moves, though!

  23. Great interview! See, for a moment Louisa lost me when she turned down cake, but for cheese... I think perhaps we can get along ;)

  24. Hi Lynda!
    In Yorkshire we eat cheese with fruit cake- yummy, although I often get strange looks when I mention it to my Kiwi friends. But I guess it's not much different to eating cheese and fruit chutney!

  25. Hi Amie, phew, I'm relieved! Thought I'd put you off! LOL!

  26. It was great getting to know Louisa. The 2-in-1 book sounds amazing--great description. I've become more of a cheese than cake person myself over the years--the sweet tooth no longer has power over me.

  27. Great interview! Congrats on your release!

  28. Hi Medeia, Yes I know what you mean - maybe it's an age thing? LOL! I'm not saying I don't have a sweet tooth, though just that I'd choose something savory FIRST!

  29. Hi Chey, nice to see you here! Thanks for popping over!

  30. This sounds like a great book! Yum on the cheese and cake.

  31. Hi Deniz! What a cool name! Thanks for visiting!

  32. Hi Nas

    Hi Louisa

    Your first book sounds really interesting and I want to read it.

    For my answers:
    1. Chick Flick and Romance movie -- with a heavy lean to the Romance side
    2. Tea over Coffee.... neither on the Wine and Champagne
    3. Cake but sometimes I will have both
    4. More of a Romantic hero than an Action Hero
    5. For my Hero, I want him to be loyal, honest, respectful to people and animals, has a sense of integrity and also has a sense of humor.

    Amanda Gardner
    ang_1985 at hotmail dot com

  33. Hi Amanda! Gosh, isn't it interesting that we're all different (and great too -what a boring world if we all liked the same things!)

    Thanks for giving us your answers!

  34. I particularly like the New Voices banner on this book. I am also a member of the New Voices group on FB. I wish your book every success, Louisa.

  35. Hi Maria!

    I was thrilled when my editor told me I'd have the New Voices banner on my cover! The first chapter in the book is the one I entered into the 2010 New Voices contest! Best of luck with your writing - I'm a member of the NV Facebook too - see you over there sometime!

  36. Hi friends!

    Thank you all for coming along! Louisa will be with the winner information shortly!

  37. What a lovely interview, loved reading all your answers to the questions!

    Congrats on the release of One Month To Become A Mum, Louisa and all the best!

  38. A big thanks to everyone who visited me here at Romance Book Paradise! I had a ball getting to meet you all. I've posted the winner of my giveaway on my blog:

    or just click on my name and it should take you straight there!
