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Spotlight on Dani Collins, Her Billion-Dollar Bump & Giveaway!

 This week our Spotlight on Author: Dani Collins. She has a new book out, Her Billion-Dollar Bump. And there's a giveaway of a signed paperback copy open international. 

Award-winning and USA Today Bestselling author Dani Collins thrives on giving readers emotional, compelling, heart-soaring romance with laughter and heat thrown in, just like real life. While she is best known for writing contemporary romance for Harlequin Presents and Tule Publishing, she also writes historical and erotic romance. When she’s not writing—just kidding, she’s always writing. Dani lives in Southern BC, Canada with her high school sweetheart husband.

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What are a few things we would find on your desk?

Notebooks, notebooks, notebooks. Literally 8 right now plus my Daytimer. They all have different purposes. Some are for taking notes if I’m doing an online course. I often keep those separate depending on the topic.

I have one dedicated to my Harlequin books. I used to scribble a thousand notes everywhere, but finally figured out that I can use a cheap, spiral notebook with sticky tabs. The current Harlequin one goes back to the book I wrote for Jan 2021. Then I have others for non-Harlequin projects and one for when I’m actually chatting to my editor at Harlequin. I keep my notes from our chats and write down questions I want to ask the next time.

Then there’s colored pens, charging cords, and the remote for the A/C. It’s 31C outside right now. Not what you expect in Canada, I know!

What motivates you to write?

Short answer? Deadlines!

I always loved romance and knew I wanted to make this my job. When I finally began selling books to publishers, I felt a strong need to maximize the chance I’d been given. I wrote a LOT!

I’m now twelve years in and feeling I need a better work-life balance, but I find myself at my desk most days out of habit and because I actually love what I do. It’s fun for me so I do it. ☺

Share something about yourself no one else knows?

This ties into the book a little – I learned to read Tarot cards when I was in my twenties. I won’t pretend I’m any good, but I do enjoy those woo-woo elements like reading cards and astrology.

What was your favorite scene to write?

It’s a small spoiler, but someone makes a remark about Fliss that Saint doesn’t like so he pushes the guy into a pool. It’s a very fancy party so I quite enjoyed that.

Tell us about your book…

Fliss aspires to be a fashion designer, but hits nothing but brick walls. She’s working as a housemaid when she discovers an invite to a gala and takes it, thinking she can talk her way into the party or at least wear one of her designs on the red carpet.

She gets turned away, but bumps into Saint—who is no Saint. He’s a notorious playboy. They have a one-night affair. He tries to send her earrings the next day and her stolen invitation is revealed. She’s fired, so she wants nothing to do with him, but guess what. Yep. She’s pregnant.

Another scene I love is when she tells him and she’s like, “But all you have to do is say you’re not the father and the paparazzi will leave me alone.” She fully expects he’ll walk away. She wants him to! She’s mad. But he doesn’t.

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